How to write Swagger documentation for Laravel API. Tips & examples

Ivan Kolodii
6 min readMay 9, 2020

API documentation becomes very necessary when you split the team into Backend and Frontend. And even more when you divide your monorepo into parts or even microservices.

I will show you how easily create API documentation for your Laravel API using swagger.

Let’s start. I prefer using this package. This package is a wrapper of Swagger-php and swagger-ui adapted to work with Laravel.

composer require "darkaonline/l5-swagger"

Then publish config and all view files:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider "L5Swagger\L5SwaggerServiceProvider"

Next, open a config/l5-swagger.php file. Let’s walk through essential keys:

  • routes.api — This is an URL for accessing documentation UI. Your frontend team will be using it to access documentation. By default, it is api/documentation . I prefer changing it to something smaller like api/docs
  • generate_always — I prefer disabling it as it will generate docs on the fly. Not useful with big API. You can always manually run php artisan l5-swagger:generate

Those are the most important to start. Now if you try to create docs using this command

php artisan l5-swagger:generate

It will return an error

Required @OA\Info() not found

