How to prioritize queues in Laravel 5.3 events

Ivan Kolodii
2 min readMar 17, 2017

There is no predefined interface for changing queue for event listeners in Laravel 5.3. By default, it is always taken from your config.

My solution:

Create an abstract class for your listeners:

namespace App\Listeners;/**
* Class BaseListener
abstract class BaseListener
* Detects if class has queue or delay parameter
* If has queue parameter than pushes to certain queue
@param $queue
@param $job
@param $data
@return mixed
public final function queue($queue, $job, $data)
if (isset($this->queue, $this->delay)) {
return $queue->laterOn($this->queue, $this->delay, $job, $data);

if (isset($this->queue)) {
return $queue->pushOn($this->queue, $job, $data);

if (isset($this->delay)) {
return $queue->later($this->delay, $job, $data);

return $queue->push($job, $data);

One more abstract class for high priority listeners:

namespace App\Listeners;

* Class HighPriorityListener
@package App\Listeners
abstract class HighPriorityListener extends BaseListener
* Queue name
@var string
protected $queue = 'high';

Now you can extend your listeners. Example:

class SendEmail extends HighPriorityListener implements ShouldQueue

* Handle the event.
@param NewMessageReceived $event
@return void
public function handle(NewMessageReceived $event)

To run a queue worker:

php artisan queue:work — queue=high,default

Now, all jobs from the “high” queue will be executed first. And after that that all from the default

One small tip due to event broadcasting:

If you want to broadcast an event immediately use ShouldBroadcastNow interface instead of ShouldBroadcast. It will use a sync driver for this event. Example:

use App\Events\Event;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\ShouldBroadcastNow;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;

* Class NewMessageReceived
@package App\Events\Messages
class NewMessageReceived extends Event implements ShouldBroadcastNow
// some logic

And if you use ShouldBroadcast instead it will push jobs into the queue. It is not convenient if there are a lot of jobs in the queue. You will have to wait until the job is executed.

Hope this information can help someone. I was trying to find some info about it, but couldn’t find a thing.

Do your lara-well =)

